This project was built to explore the relationship between similar words.
You can start just by entering a root word to view its tree of synonyms.
If you enter both a root and a target word, you can see if there's a path from the root to the target through
the root word's synonyms.
Take "fun" and "gaiety" for example. A path from "fun" to "gaiety" exists because "merriment" is a synonym of "fun", and "gaiety" is a synonym of "merriment".
The synonym data from this project comes from Wordnet, a large lexical database of English words that
groups nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs into sets of synonyms.
This corpus for Wordnet
is used to harness the data. It's provided by NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit),
a really cool, extensive Python toolkit for working with language data.
On the frontend, d3 is used to render the tree.
You can check out the code here.